Politics Of Dancing

Politics Of Dancing brings together two DJs and music producers who are strong figures of parisian deep house nights : S.M.A.L.L & PACO.
Guillaume Paco is the creator and main deejay of one of the oldest party in Paris, Open House, and he has been touring clubs all over the world for more than 15 years now.
David Matarasso aka S.M.A.L.L is a renowned producer and very talented deejay, who has already crossed the world to play and signed on the finest labels such as Esperanza, Catwash, Brique Rouge, Overall, Mixx Records to name but a few.
S.M.A.L.L & Paco have been deejaying together for more than 10 years, and it was a natural process for them to make music and start the duo Politics Of Dancing with their own imprint : POLITICS OF DANCING RECORDS
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